Welcome to BestProAudio.com! My name is James Bales. I’ve been a gigging musician as well as avid user of pro audio gear for the past 33 years. My first foray into professional music equipment was when I was 16 years old. I was an excited young vocalist starting my first band with friends.
I purchased a 1970’s model Peavey PA system that actually sounded great despite it’s heft and limited capabilities. Four channels, no effects, no monitor or auxiliary outputs. A heavy amplifier and mixer head topped two old style “line array” speakers. It served it’s purpose and helped to push my interest in music and my love for the equipment of the trade.

Fast forward 33 years. After using everything from EAW passive speakers with huge racks of amps, a Mackie 1604, effects rack, Drive Rack PX and all manner of audio gear by JBL, Electrovoice, Yorkville Sound, Peavey, etc…, I find myself using another line array system. The Bose L1 Compact. The weight and quality of sound produced by these gems is truly amazing, but it still lacks some functionality that I’m now looking for.
After months of searching for a newer, more compact gig ready system, I decided to start a website to help others through my gear selection process. Whether it’s a compact line array, a mixer, a microphone, recording software, midi controllers, or powered sub woofers, I’ve purchased it all. I endlessly search from one site to the next reading reviews and comparing similar pieces of gear until I’m ready to pull the trigger. I can’t help but think there are others doing the same thing, looking for similar qualities and functionality in their own gear.

I hope you find my reviews and comparisons helpful in your search. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions or suggestions.
Sincerely, James